Type of useHousing
Type of commercializationPurchase
Type of propertyApartment
Kind of propertyFlat
CityGroß Glienicke
StreetGlienicker Dorfstr
House number14 D
Living area111 sqm
Usable area131 sqm
Number of rooms4
Number of bedrooms2
Number of bathrooms1
Heating typeDistrict heating
Number of floors3
Cable Sat TVYes
Purchase price488.000 €
House fees555 €
External commission1,9 % inkl. MwSt
Property description
Energy certificate
Year of construction1997
Energy certificateEnergy consumption data
Energy consumption108 kWh/(m²a)
Energy pass valid until19.03.2028
Year of construction according to energy certificate1997
Main energy sourceDistrict heating
3D-Rundgang zu dieser Immobilie
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  • Gökan Ozan
Mr. Gökan Ozan
Phone 030 28631604
Mobile: 01784247171
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